I have been working as an actress in theatre and short film , specialising mostly in children’s theatre. I have worked with Scottish Theatre Companies including "Theatre Broad" and "Arkeen productions" as well as work abroad. I am based in Inverness in Scotland.
Most recently I produced my own one woman 40's and 60's Sing-a-long show performing at the venue "A' the Airts" in Sanquhar which was a great success. I currently perform a 40's Nostalgia show touring care homes and look forward to planning a tour of sing-a-long productions and also developing a new 50's show!
I teach drama, singing and acting and circus skills to various groups of people with different ages and abilities in Scotland. I have also been working in the entertainment industry for many years as a children's entertainer and Karaoke host.
The Home of an entertainment company in Inverness.
Looking for the perfect party for your child, keeping your children entertained during the wedding ceremony or a workshop for your school or club? You have come to the right place.
As a children's entertainer I offer a range of children's birthday parties in Inverness and the surrounding areas. Packages available for all ages! Planning a Gala day, festival or special event? Trapeze Entertainment can provide children's and family entertainment.
Interactive circus skills and other performing arts workshops are perfect for schools and clubs to improve several important skills through creativity.
Continuing developing my nostalgia shows to help bring joy and memories to my mature clients whilst encouraging participation, singing and dancing.
Looking at 2025
What an exciting year 2024 was with our 1st touring Pantomime finishing off a busy year. January has been a month of Scottish singalongs inspired by Burns and February we have been looking back at the Romantic 40's. Looking ahead there are lots of fun shows in the pipeline. A summer and two Christmas productions to come in 2025 touring Nurseries, primary schools, care homes, community centres and other surprise venues. There are plenty opportunities for children's birthday party bookings as well as the yearly events. Classes are back at Eden Court with rehearsals underway for "Sister Act Jr" performed by the Musical theatre class in June and our yearly "I heart Drama" show which this year is going to be a pantomime!
Christmas 2024
Trapeze Entertainment is delighted to announce, this Christmas we will be touring the Highlands with the Pantomime MAMMY GOOSE. To book and for more information on our BIG show and WEE Show please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
⭐️My main AIM? an affordable theatre experience that comes to you!
⭐️Want to support local? I am using local based actors, set designer and also hiring equipment from local companies.
⭐️What is my experience? I have been performing in pantomime and children's theatre for over 18 years as well as producing my own productions.
⭐️Who is it suitable for? Primary school age, early years and also for care homes specially adapted for adults who are young at heart.
I am proud to be producing theatre in the Highlands and need your support.
Belladrum 2024
Not long now until Belladrum! Here is where you will find Trapeze Entertainment at the festival!
Seaside Spectacular 1630 Venus flytrap stage
Circus skills 1300 Club Clan Bella
Balloon Modelling 1700 Story Circle
Circus skills 1130 Story Circle
Circus skills 1300 Club Clan Bella
summer 2024
Look out for me at the following events!
Sat 13th July Muir of Ord Gala
Fri 13th July Muir of Ord Teddy bears picnic
Thurs 25th - Sat 27th July Belladrum Festival
Fri 2nd - Sat 3rd Aug Moy County Fair
Sat 17th Aug Eden Court Fun day
Sat 31st Aug Tomatin fun day
Looking for a summer activity?
I will be leading the I heart Drama and Musical Theatre weeks at Eden Court! Come and join us!
Looking at 2024
So much happening this year, not sure where to start!
After a busy 2023 summer I had lots of fun delivering specialist workshops, events, birthday parties and interactive singalongs. We toured with Elfie's Magical Mayhem and Christmas with Katy-Louise and of course Elf visits.
This year so far, been busy with private singing students, continuing teaching classes for Eden Court Theatre and birthday parties.
We have a NEW summer show for early years touring in June called "Seaside Spectacular!"
I have 4 new singalong shows in development.
I will be working on Kyle of Lochalsh in the Easter holidays delivering a kids activity week as well as fitting in some special Easter events!
Also have my end of year shows in June, Seussical Jr with the Musical Theatre class and The unexpected world, a devised piece by the I heart Drama group at Eden Court theatre.
Belladrum 2023
Not long now until Belladrum! Here is where you will find Trapeze Entertainment at the festival!
The Cartoonies 1630 Venus flytrap stage
Circus skills 1130 VIP area
Puppet making 1600 Tweedles
Balloon Modelling 1230 Story Circle
Circus skills 1630 Story Circle
2023 has begun!
Katy-Louise is delighted to be back at Eden Court teaching I heart Drama and Musical Theatre Classes with fantastic showcases planned for June! Musical Theatre has already returned to Dionne Monteiro School of Dance in Aldearn since before the pandemic so very excited for this. Singing students are working hard at Cairngorm school of dance and getting stronger every week. Also looking forward to travelling with my circus skills workshops all over the highlands for youth clubs and even getting up to Lyth Arts Centre in Wick!
Lots of circus skills, magic, balloon and puppet shows for Birthday party fun in the diary as well as my popular interactive nostalgic performances in care homes. I can't wait until these events 2023. See you there.
Telford Retail Park open day for TruUnity dance 2nd April
Easter Event, Victorian Market, Inverness 8th April
Easter event, Kinloss 9th April
Girvan Folk Festival 29th April
Love my bus event at Falcon Square 26th May
The Gathering Festival 27th May
Isobel Fraser open day 3rd June
Summer fair, Kiltearn Primary School, Evanton Sat 10th June
Drakies Primary school fundraiser Sat 17th June
Tain Gala 1st July
Kintyre House Summer fete 8th July
Eastgate Shopping centre Tue 11th July
Muir of Ord Gala 15th July
Lyth Arts Centre Wick Wed 19th and Thurs 20th July
Brora Carnival 24th July
Belladrum Festival 27th - 29th July
Eastgate Shopping centre Tue 1st Aug
Eden Court under canvas family fun day Sun 13th Aug
Festive season 2022
"Elfie's Magical Mayhem" - A Christmas Show and workshop for Early Years. Join Heather and Elfie on a fun filled adventure. With puppets, magic, storytelling and music. Trapeze Entertainment has teamed up with Cairngorm school of dance in Aviemore to produce this exciting performance. Touring Primary schools and Nurseries in the Highlands from the 5th December. For more info/to book get in touch now.
What an exciting year 2022 is going to be!
Back with Eden Courts I heart drama and mini-makers classes as well as PH22 at Cairngorm school of Dance. All classes are creating and preparing for live performances in June. Back singing in care homes again and it's all go with birthday parties!
Booked to entertain and perform at the following events so far - come and say hello!
Girvan Folk Festival Sat 30th April
Live at last, East Kilbride, Sun 1st May
The Gathering, Sat 28th May
Jubilee celebration, Tain rose Gardens, Sat 4th June
Elgin jubilee sing-song, Sun 5th June
Tain Gala day, Sat 2nd July
Tomatin Gala, Sun 3rd July
Bella under canvas, Sat 9th July
Muir of Ord Gala, Sat 16th July
Brora Carnival, Mon 25th July
Belladrum Festival, Thurs 28th - Sat 30th July
Dubness Festival, Fri 29th - Sat 20th Aug
End of 2021
What an amazing end to 2021, with a care home tour of "Christmas with Katy-Louise" outdoors AND indoors show as well as a rental option available on Vimeo. Elfie returned with new magic, stories and songs with her Elf doorstop visits for the 2nd year running. And above all I was delighted to be asked to develop and perform in Eden Court's "Festive Letter", a very special interactive digital performance for primary schools. What a lovely end to a crazy year. Looking forward to 2022, with Eden Court's I heart Drama and Mini-makers classes, Cairngorm School of Dance's PH22 and new care home shows on the horizon! Thinking of booking a birthday party? Get in touch soon to avoid disappointment!
August 2021
More work with the "Summer of hope" from circus skills, puppetry, balloon modelling and special FX makeup! Even have my 1st wedding for a long time! Excited!
July 2021
Busy month with restrictions easing. Lots of outdoor workshops and birthday parties taking place. Delighted to be involved with the "Summer of Hope" in the highlands with Eden Court, the Clay Studio and The Place. Great fun at a 2 day activity camp with Street Struck Dance and 4 day Crazy circus camp with Cairngorm school of Dance. Have also managed to squeeze in my "seaside special" show outdoors at care homes!
June 2021
PH22 returned to Cairngorm School of dance for an outdoor production of "Aladdin"!
APRIL 2021
Outdoor birthday parties! Have a look at my birthday party page to see what is currently being offered outdoors.
Jan 2021
Christmas 2020
Christmas Elf visits - Entertainment in your garden.
Nostalgic Christmas show - Available now to watch on showcatcher.com
Look out for Elfie on "A very Bella Christmas" online on the 19th December
Outdoor bookings update
As of the 24th of August, I am able to start entertaining children outside.
Entertainment time reduced to a 1-hour booking.
I will keep social distance of a minimum of 2 metres from participants.
What can be included in the entertainment?
️ Balloon show
Magic show
Puppet show
Circus skills workshop
Traditional party games
After consulting my union and insurers i am confident i have taken the risks related to Covid 19 into consideration and have altered how I will deliver entertainment to reduce this risk whilst following government guidelines. Full risk assessment will be carried out and available for any bookings.
Please note that currently, A full refund will be available if the booking is cancelled due to covid 19.
I am also still offering a bespoke balloon delivery service! Get in touch for more information!
What have i been up to?
Delighted to be part of the online festival Belladrum is providing on Saturday 1st August. Available on Facebook and youtube.
Online Video - Check out my youtube channel. Here is the link to my latest video - https://youtu.be/n4NmYDbwri8
Online singing lessons - My students have been doing singing lessons online and have been completing singing theory units at home.
Online birthday celebrations - I have been entertaining children with magic, puppets and storytelling using a new platform.
Balloon delivery - Special bespoke balloon delivery service.
Balloon Delivery - I have launched a bespoke balloon modelling delivery service. Balloons are kept in a sealed bag, inflated by a pump (NOT mouth inflated) and I clean my hands thoroughly before twisting. These can be dropped at your door.
Care home shows - Offering a interactive online service via video conferencing. It won't be the same as actually being there in person but is a way for us all to keep singing together!
Information for bookings - For cancelled bookings that have paid a £20 deposit, I am happy to use this deposit against any future bookings with me. As I have already purchased materials for these bookings, at this time I am unable to offer a refund. I can offer online alternatives, please get in touch for more information.
Live Video - I am eager to keep creative and share my work. Please look out for live video updates.
Looking ahead into 2020
Back to seeing my private students again, teaching for Dionne Monteiro's school of dance's musical theatre class, Eden Courts Creative explorers and Musical Theatre class. Happy to also returning to continue the Cradlehall choir and of course special birthday parties!
Festive period 2019
A very special year! My 10th year performing in the New Lanark Panto with Arkeen Theatre Company! Was a great success being Mammy and Granny in the pantomime "Wee Red Fae the Woods", Timber in the pre-school performance "Wee red and her forest friends" and primary school workshops on Scottish Folklore. Managed to squeeze in a few Christmas sing-a-longs with the old favourites.
September to October 2019
Halloween fun with special FX workshops, a special spooky sing song and fun with puppets!
Back at the Hilton Free Spirits club for a good sing song.
Entertained at the Fort William Shinty cup final, circus skills workshops with the brownies and the scouts and Balloon modelling for the Loch Ness Marathon.
Highland hospices Ness Factor - My contestants performed brilliantly on the big Ness Factor charity evening. Very proud vocal coach. Until next year!
Belladrum 2019
Another great Belladrum with Balloon modelling, Clowning around with circus skills, puppet making and party time!
Day 1 Thursday
1pm - 2pm Balloon Modelling - VIP Kids Tent
4pm - 5.15pm Circus skills - Venus Flytrap
6.30pm - 7.30pm Puppet making - Tweedledee
Day 2 Friday
11.30am - 12.30pm Clowning around - VIP Kids Tent
6pm - 7pm Clowning Around - Tir Nan Nog Pagoda
Day 3 Saturday
11.30am - 12.30pm Party time! - VIP Kids Tent
July - August 2019
Looking for a summer show for the young at heart? Now "the sun has got his hat on" touring with my "Seaside Special" interactive show.
Face painting at the Cromarty Regatta.
April to July 2019
Pleasure to be involved in The Gathering Festival, Thurso fun day, Beauly Gala, Belladrum under canvas at Eden Court and Muir of Ord Gala.
Ness Factor 2019 contestants announced and vocal coaching begun.
January - April 2019
Launched new interactive show - "Songs of childhood" and was lucky enough to travel to some new care homes over in Banff as well as my usual local homes.
Had great fun delivering circus skill birthday parties and making special balloons.
Back to Inverness College UHI to continue teaching Voice on the HNC Acting and performance course as well as directing their production of "A Midsummer night's dream".
As well as assisting at Eden Court with the Integrated group on preparations for their production i have been enjoying working with other groups as well. I have been teaching Hullaballoo and having great fun this term getting to know the young people covering hats and puppetry this term. Look forward to returning after the Easter break.
Festive Season 2018
I am excited to be performing in pantomime as Belle's mum in "Beauty and the Beastie" at the New Lanark Heritage site as part of the Christmas experience for my 9th year! I will also be performing in the pre-school performance as The Beastie in "Beauty and the grumpy beastie" and leading school workshops "Haud yir wheest".
To Book follow the link....
I will be squeezing in some Christmas sing-a-long shows and parties as well!
October 2018
Ness Factor - 3rd year as Vocal coach for 3 amazing contestants at this event in aid of the highland hospice.
Halloween Special FX makeup with Hilton Youth Club for Highlife Highland.
Simpson's Garden Centre Christmas shop opening - returned for my 2nd year entertaining the children with puppets, games, balloons and lots of fun!
Proudness - Balloon and face painting fun at the Highlands first pride event!
September 2018
Loch Ness Marathon - Balloon fun with my special Nessie balloons!
Toured with LUDUS - Playful love. 4 women, 2 plays fusing love, loss, lust and life! A double-bill of plays by Clifford Bax, Touring Scotland and Cumbria.
@theatrebroad on Facebook
Kilmardinny Arts Centre, Bearsden - 7/9/18.
East Kilbride Arts Centre - 9/9/18
The Studio, Edinburgh - 14/9/18
MacRobert Arts Centre, Stirling - 15/9/18
Theatre Royal, Dumfries - 19/9/18
University of Highlands and Islands, Inverness 21/9/18
The Little Theatre, Nairn - 22/9/18
Webster Theatre, Glasgow - 26/9/18
The Heron Theatre, Cumbria - 28/9/18
The Fullarton, Castle Douglas - 29/9/18
Questions about the production? Please contact
Carol Metcalf
Artistic Director
Theatre Broad
T: 01360 440480
M: 0754 78 01 724
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2nd to 4th August 2018
Fantastic time entertaining at my 4th Belladrum Festival. Great family fun with circus skills, puppet making and party games in Tweedledee and the Club Clan VIP children's tent.
Sunday 8th July 2018
Great fun being back Clowning around at the MFR Cash For Kidsfest at the Black Isle Showfield!
June and July 2018
Lots of Birthday party fun, puppetry workshops for highlife highland's summer activities and circus skills workshops for Action for Children and Milnafua community!
Visited many care homes with my Seaside special show.
May 2018
Rehearsals started for a September tour of LUDUS - Prelude and fugue. Excited to be acting and working with Theatre Broad in Stirling again.
Easter 2018
Great day at the Bogbain family fun day with puppets and storytelling, balloon modelling, games and family entertainment and topped off with circus skills.
2018 so far
Year started with a bang returning to the Hogmanay Hoolie in Alness.
Plenty of fun and games including a lovely morning with Charleston baby and toddler group, time on Skye for LMPA, shows in some of my favourite care homes and a theatre tour in the Hebrides.
Winter 2017
It's Panto time! Rehearsals have started for "The magic shoes" pantomime, "Search for a story" pre-school show and Hans Christian Anderson workshops at New Lanark Heritage site. So pleased to be back for my 8th year!
Autumn 2017
Returned to the Loch Ness Marathon on Sun 24th September 2017 for the 3rd year running. Thank you to everyone who bought a Nessie modelling balloon or other special balloon. It was a great event!
Ness Factor 2017 - Was a huge success. I was so proud of my contestants hard work, commitment and enthusiasm. Above all i was impressed by the amazing amount of money raised for the Highland Hospice.
I've been so lucky to be performing several of my nostalgia shows in care homes across the highlands.
More Gala's, Birthday parties and fun days!
Summer 2017
Ness factor 2017 - Excited to be a voice coach again this year for the Ness Factor in aid of Highland Hospice! Lesson's have begun.
Touring care homes with my "Seaside Special" show!
Belladrum festival 2017 - Great to be back again for the 3rd year in a row! I was in the Tweedledee tent and Dell Children's Yurt this year. Programme description read - Trapeze Entertainment's Katy-Louise has travelled all the way from Inverness to offer lots of fun packed workshops for children. Join in and win prizes with dancing and games at "Party Time". Get crazily crafty at "Balloon Modelling" and "Puppet Making". Or enjoy energetic "Clowning Around" with circus skills.
Circus skills workshops for Highlife highland.
Fun days in Tongue and Lochaline.
Crazy Circus Summer week was a great success. The young people had a great time doing different activities every day and performing at the end of the week.
May 2017
Cradelhall care home - 1940's nostalgia show! Cradelhowlers going from strength to strength with special themes covering favourite songs from the Beatles, Easter themes and singing springtime!
I teach singing at Dionne's Musical theatre class in Nairn. I offered Trapeze Entertainments services and we had a great circus skills workshop to raise funds for their upcoming show!
April 2017
Appeared at the 2017 Girvan folk festival! Over the weekend I had fun clowning around with my circus skills workshop and entertaining the children with Puppets, balloon modelling, magic and competitions with prizes. http://www.girvanfolkfestival.co.uk/programme.php
Had a great time helping to support and direct the young people at Inverness High School performing in this year's Rock Challenge at Eden Court Theatre.
Look out 2017! So far...
I have started a singing group at Cradlehall care home...."The Cradlehowlers". We have started singing our hearts out to themed classes for Robert Burns day, Valentines day and the new year.
Fusions for highlife highland.
Started filling the dates for upcoming festivals, fundraisers and special events! Watch this space.
December 2016
I had an amazing time entertaining the kids at the Alness Hogmanay Hoolie!
I have just finished performing in Pantomime for the 7th year in a row at the New Lanark heritage site. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the character Edna Scrooged in "A New Lanark Christmas Carol". I also performed in other interactive schools and nurseries performances "a Christmas Carol Workshop" and "Santa's little helpers".
Managed to squeeze in a few Sing-a-long shows and Christmas Parties as well. I had a wonderful time entertaining the children at a very special Christmas party with the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in Milnafua Community hall where she recorded her Christmas message. https://youtu.be/NbLt_si6UAg
November 2016
Panto rehearsals, Competition winner's birthday party and a special 60's singalong show for Cradelhall Care Home.
October 2016
The Ness Factor - was very exciting to be involved with such a successful event which raised lots of money for the highland hospice. My contestants worked very hard and put on a fantastic show on the night.
September 2016
Crammed in lots of Circus skills workshops with schools including TFX performing arts academy and Daviot Primary School.
Returned for the 2nd year to the Loch Ness marathon with my very special Nessie modelling balloons!
Entertained the cyclists at the Euan Macrae Memorial bike ride in Tain.
August 2016
It was a happy day on MFR's cash for kids "Happy Street" in Alness. Had loads of fun with circus skills, balloons and puppets.
Face painted for a very special SiMba butterfly release at the botanic gardens.
Children's entertainment and circus skills at the Dalneigh gala day.
The Circus skills workshop and my puppets were a hit for the Friends of Autism group in Balloch.
Using specially selected songs from the 40's, 50's and 60's I performed for a lovely couples 80th birthday party.
Circus skills and special FX makeup in Ardersier and Muir of Ord youth clubs.
Great start to the month with a return visit to Belladrum, this time in the Tweedledee tent. Great weekend doing "children's party time" and "clowning around" workshops as well as the parade.
July 2016
During the summer holidays I had a drama-tastic week, circus skills workshops at fusions and transitions, Face painting and balloons Croy Community Market and entertained at birthday parties as well as a wedding celebration in Aviemore.
April to June 2016
Toured with Eden Court Creative around high schools this time with creativity roadshow. I devised and delivered interactive workshops around primary and nursery schools on the Gruffalo with puppets, drama and the snail and the whale and titanic play in a day. I also delivered workshops at the Connections festival.
March 2016
Attended the Interchange weekend at Beacon Arts Centre in Greenock.
Co-created an interactive workshop called "the mind boggles" with Eden Court Creative and toured primary schools.
Circus skills workshops for young adults on a careers week ran by Aspire North.
January - February 2016
Return visit to the lovely ladies at the "free Spirits" with a 60's performance this time. Great afternoon full of singing, dancing and laughing.
Directed a performance for Burns night.
November and December 2015
Performed in the Pantomime "Sister Ella's Slippers" at the New Lanark heritage site theatre every weekend as part of the Christmas experience. This will be my 6th year performing in this venue.
November 2015
Birthday party fun, workshops and rehearsals begin for Panto!
Filling the end of the year with lots of exciting performances.
I returned to the theatre "A' the Airts" in Dumfries with a brand new show! A lovely afternoon.
September 2015
Had a great day making Nessie Balloons for the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon and hope it will be a yearly event for my diary.
Busy fun day in Aviemore doing circus skills.
Lots of lovely birthday party's at weekends!
August 2015
Another busy month....Had a SUPER time performing at Belladrum this year in the Hielan Coo kids tent!
Enjoyed fun days doing face painting and balloon modelling where the weather stayed surprisingly good!
Performed a 1940's nostalgia sing-a-long show for the Free Spirits group who stayed in high spirits throughout and had a wonderful time.
July 2015
A busy month of circus skills workshops for transitions and fusions.
June 2015
Upcoming event - Harry Gows fun day in aid of the hospice on sat 20th June. A busy month for events!
Recycled circus at Hilton Community Centre where the young people created their own juggling balls and learned how to juggle as well as a few other circus tricks!
Circus skills for the youth clubs and Young carers day.
May 2015
Circus skills workshop for Highland deaf children's society.
A lovely afternoon in Muir of Ord performing my interactive nostalgic 40's show for the care home.
Shared a room with Kai's disco at the Dingwall fusion. The music and circus skills went well together.
April 2015
Worked with "Mess around" on Circus Spectacular events in Inverness and Dingwall. Discovered how much messy play and circus skills are similar. The tiny tots enjoyed watching the skills as well as touching the juggling scarves and ribbons. The older children said their favourite was plate spinning.
Delivered workshops as part of the connections festival at Eden Court and received excellent feedback.
Inverness High School performed in Rock Challenge and received some excellent awards for their hard work. I have been involved as a drama tutor on this project and I was so proud of their achievement.
Mar 2015
Easter fun day - Entertaining the children with Circus skills and puppetry. My new stilts were a brilliant hit. More circus workshops with Tongue Primary School - this is the furthest North I have travelled so far!
Feb 2015
Circus skills workshops in Crown Primary School for primary 2 - 4 as part of their circus topic.
January 2015
Circus skills workshops for fusions.
Christmas 2014
I performed in the new Lanark pantomime as part of the Christmas experience.
Nov 2014
Youth Highland event at the Ironworks.
Sept 2014
Gruesome special effects workshops at the youth clubs.
Aug 2014
Some more great nights at the spectrum centre for Inverness Fusion nights.
July 2014
A busy month for circus skills workshops at the Spectrum Centre for fusion nights and for Transitions at the high schools for Highlife Highland.
May 2014
Trapeze Entertainment will be provided the make up for one of the dancers in the competition. The theme for the dance was movies and the character was the mask. I discovered how many different shades of green develop the mask.
March and April 2014
Fusion events with high life highland. Circus skills and face painting with special effects workshops. New skills on offer for teenagers with some gruesome and realistic results.
February 2014
Family fun morning over February weekend an the Gaelic School, Inverness. Fun circus skills and games for adults and children!
November 2013
Circus skill workshops at the Gaelic School, Inverness. The children learned new skills and had a great time.
October 2013
Halloween Murder Mystery at the Ramada Encore. The cast and the staff worked hard all night to provide a great night.
We aim to provide interactive entertainment and workshops to suit your needs. We want to make a difference by giving you an experience you won’t forget.
Based in the city of Inverness in Scotland.
Email: [email protected]
Contact Telephone: 07582602181
Remember to like on Facebook for special offers and follow @katytrapeze on twitter